We were invited to visit Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Zanzibar in June 2022 to help advise on complex clinical cases, to teach and to promote the further establishment of clinical services for people living on this island,along with those resident on neighbouring Pemba and Mafia islands - a total population of over two million people served by this regional referral Hospital. The Health Minister asked me to prepare a report to define the requirements of developing the service across this area and the report was duly delivered at the end of our trip. Hopefully, this will now serve as a template for future development. Meanwhile, our monthly seminars continue virtually and I’ve been each year to supervise and support the next phase of clinical initiatives.

The development of special clinical services are being extended by exploring the potential for clinical research into the reasons for the high prevalence of diseases like SLE. We are hoping to obtain funding to establish a screening program and clinical trial of therapy for early manifestations of this disorders, in the expectation that such intervention might prevent the later development of serious end organ damage.

One of the rarer inhabitants of Zanzibar