‘academy of hope’ school in south sudAN

The local community in Wau with their new school in the distance



When I first met Gabriel and the other South Sudanese 37 refugees in 2017, they told me that their dream was to gain an education in Kenya that they could take back to their own country and share with their people who have very limited access to education. I struck a bargain with them, and agreed to build a school back in their District of Wau if they completed their studies.

Both of us kept our word and the school was built during 2023 and opened in early 2024 with a handful of pupils. We have now expanded to 172 children and 6 teachers, in 6 classrooms to cover each Primary School Year. I am going over to officially open the school on 14th September 2024 which would have been my Father’s 100th birthday. He worked in Africa too, and we’re naming the school both in his honour and in recognition that the tin hut housing the 38 refugees during their time in Kenya was optimistically christened ‘Hope House’. Sometimes dreams really do come true!

Some aspects of the cost of running a school have been met, but many others are ongoing. Paramount is the need for books, paper and pens, along with teachers salaries. We do now have a basic water supply and one day we hope to have enough solar energy for electricity to run lighting, provide filtration and to eventually access internet!

Any help that you are able to offer us towards running costs for the crucial first full academic year will be enormously appreciated. If you wish to make a donation via bank transfer, our Natwest Bank Account details are:

Account name: Kelly CA. Account Number: 67129250; Sort Code  60-08-45


The first day at school ever for these pupils back in February 2024